Journal Articles
For the most up-to-date list, please see our Google Scholar page.
Hurley group Postdoc advisee at Johns Hopkins University
Hurley group Ph.D. advisee at Johns Hopkins University
Hurley group Undergraduate or High School advisee at Johns Hopkins University
*Hurley as PI and corresponding author while at Johns Hopkins University
In review
- B. Kuwik, M. Daud, G. Kim, A. Looney, S. Budoff, R.C. Hurley* . Microscopic and macroscopic failure of cemented granular materials: Mechanisms and relevance for sandstone surrogates, In review.
- R.C. Hurley*, G. Shahin, B.S. Kuwik, K. Lee. X-ray probes reveal 3D texture, structure, and force chains in sandstone, In review.
- A.G. DiOrio, R.C. Hurley, J. El-Awady. Computational methodology for evaluating alumina particle impact erosion of ductile surfaces, In review.
- M. Thakur, N.A. Henningsson, J. Engqvist, P.O. Autran, J.P. Wright, R.C. Hurley* (2025). Grain-scale stress heterogeneity in concrete from in-situ X-ray measurements, Accepted, Cement and Concrete Research.
- S. Ghosh, M. Thakur, R.C. Hurley*. Quantifying 3D time-resolved kinematics and kinetics during rapid granular compaction: Part II: dynamics of heterogeneous pore collapse, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 196, 107007.
- S. Ghosh, M. Thakur, R.C. Hurley* (2024). Quantifying 3D time-resolved kinematics and kinetics during rapid granular compaction: Part I: quasi static and dynamic deformation regimes, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 191, 105765.
- A. Gupta, K.T. Ramesh, R.C. Hurley* (2024). Instabilities in granular media: Particle dynamics and stress fluctuations, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 193, 105843.
- C. Zhai, D. Wei, H. Song, R.C. Hurley, S. Huang, Y. Gan, M. Xu (2024). Frictional contacts between rough grains with fractal morphology, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB028361.
- A. Baumgarten, J. Moreno, B. Kuwik, S. Ghosh, R.C. Hurley, K.T. Ramesh (2024). A predictive model for fluid-saturated, brittle granular materials during high-velocity impact events, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 105664.
- M. Bhat, R.C. Hurley, T. Murthy (2024). Micromechanics of contact-bound cohesive granular materials in confined compression, Physical Review E, 109 (5), 054903.
- M. Thakur, S. Ghosh, R.C. Hurley* (2024). On rapid compaction of granular materials: Combining experiments with in-situ imaging and mesoscale modeling, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 105576.
- A. Gupta, K.T. Ramesh, R.C. Hurley* (2024). An inclusion model for predicting granular elasticity incorporating force chain mechanics, Granular Matter, 26(2), 40.
- B. Kuwik, J. Moreno, M. Shaeffer, G. Simpson, R.C. Hurley* (2024). The response of dry and water saturated silica sand to high velocity impact, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 186, 184883.
- M. Thakur, S. Enright, R.C. Hurley* (2023). Phase segmentation in X-ray CT images of concrete with implications for mesoscale modeling, Construction and Building Materials, 403, 133033.
- R.C. Hurley*, G. Shahin, B.S. Kuwik, K. Lee (2023). Assessing continuum plasticity postulates with grain stress and local strain measurements in triaxially compressed sand, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (32), e2301607120.
- R.C. Hurley*, D.C. Pagan, E.B. Herbold, C. Zhai (2023). Examining the applicability of micromechanics theories for cementitious composites using in-situ X-ray measurements, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 267, 112162.
- X. Sun, B.S. Kuwik, Q. Yang, S. Chocron, R.C. Hurley, R.A. Haber, J.C. LaSalvia, K.T. Ramesh (2023). Roughness and humidity effects on contact, friction, and contact plasticity revealed by micro mechanical testing and analysis, Powder Technology, 417, 118243.
- B. Kuwik, G. Kim, C. Zhai, M. Daud, R.C. Hurley* (2023). Roughness and humidity effects on contact, friction, and contact plasticity revealed by micro mechanical testing and analysis, Tribology International, 178(B), 108075.
- M. Thakur, N.A. Henningsson, J. Engqvist, P.O. Autran, J.P. Wright, R.C. Hurley* (2023). On mesoscale modeling of concrete: Role of heterogeneities on local stresses, strains, and representative volume element, Cement and Concrete Research, 163, 107031.
- G. Shahin, R.C. Hurley* (2022). Micromechanics and strain localization in sand in the ductile regime, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 127, e2022JB024983.
- B. Kuwik, M. Garcia, R.C. Hurley* (2022). Experimental breakage mechanics of confined granular media across strain rates and at high pressures, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 259, 112024.
- G. Shahin, R.C. Hurley* (2022). HP-TACO: A High-Pressure TriAxial COmpression Apparatus for In-Situ X-ray Measurements in Geomaterials, Review of Scientific Instruments, 91, 113907.
- K. Lee, R.C. Hurley* (2022). Force inference in 3D granular materials: Uncertainty analysis and application to synchrotron data, Physical Review E, 105, 064902.
- R.C. Hurley*, C. Zhai (2022). Opportunities and needs for measuring time-resolved force chain evolution in 3D granular materials, Papers in Physics, 14, 14003.
- C. Zhai, N. Albayrak, J. Engqvist, S.A. Hall, J. Wright, M. Majkut, E.B. Herbold, R.C. Hurley* (2022). History, structure, and stress dependence of local rearrangements in 3D granular media from machine learning, Physical Review E, 105 (1), 014904.
- G. Shahin, E.B. Herbold, S.A. Hall, R.C. Hurley* (2022). A hierarchy of length scales in the mechanical behavior of 3D granular media, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 51, 101590.
- A. Bhattacharjee, R.C. Hurley, L. Graham-Brady (2022). Fragmentation and granular transition of ceramics for high rate loading, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 105, 3062-3080.
- K.T. Ramesh, L. Graham-Brady, W. Goddard, R.C. Hurley, M. Robbins, A. Tonge, A.L. Tonge, A. Bhattacharjee, J.T. Clemmer, Q. Zeng, W. Li, Y. Shen, Q. An, N. Mitra. (2021). Models for the behavior and failure of boron carbide in extreme dynamic environments, In Press, Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
- A. Gupta, R. Crum, C. Zhai, K.T. Ramesh, R.C. Hurley* (2021). Measuring particle-scale 3D granular dynamics during rapid compression from 2D X-ray images, Journal of Applied Physics, 129: 225902.
- A. Bhattacharjee, A. Bhaduri, R.C. Hurley, L. Graham-Brady (2021). Failure modeling and sensitivity analysis of ceramics under impact, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 129(22), 225902.
- C. Zhai, Herbold, E.B., R.C. Hurley* (2020). The influence of structure and forces on ultrasound transmission in granular materials. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (28). Link to Paper. Internal Press. External Press: APS, ScienceDaily.
- M. Cil, Q. Zeng, R.C. Hurley, L. Graham-Brady (2020). An integrative model for the dynamic behavior of brittle materials based on micro cracking and breakage mechanics. Dynamic Behavior of Materials. In Press. Link to Paper.
- O. Stamati, E. Andó, E. Roubin, R. Cailletaud, M. Weibicke, G. Pinzon, C. Courture, R.C. Hurley, et al. (2020) spam: Software for Practical Analysis of Materials, Journal of Open Source Software, 5 (51), 2286. Link to Paper.
- D. Wei, R.C. Hurley, L.H. Poh, D. Dias-da-Costa, Y. Gan (2020). The role of particle morphology on concrete fracture behavior: A miso-scale modeling approach. Cement and Concrete Research, 134, 106096. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley*, J.D. Hogan. (2020). Workshop on Mathematical Challenges in Brittle Material Failure. Journal of the Dynamic Behavior of Materials. 6, 14-23. Link to Paper.
- C. Zhai, D.C. Pagan, Hurley, R.C.* (2020). In-situ X-ray tomography and 3DXRD measurements of cemented granular materials. JOM, 72, 18-27. Link to Paper.
- M. Cil, R.C. Hurley*, L. Graham-Brady. (2020). A constitutive model for brittle granular materials considering the competition between breakage and dilation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 146(1), 04019110. Link to Paper.
- C. Zhai, E.B. Herbold, S.A. Hall, R.C. Hurley* (2019). Particle rotations and energy dissipation during mechanical compaction of granular materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 129, 19-38. Link to Paper.
- M. Cil, R.C. Hurley, L. Graham-Brady (2019). A rate-dependent constitutive model for brittle granular materials based on breakage mechanics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102(9), 1-11. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley*, D.C. Pagan (2019). An in-situ study of stress evolution and fracture growth during compression of concrete. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 168, 26-40. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley*, E.B. Herbold, D.C. Pagan (2018). Characterization of crystal structure, kinematics, stresses, and rotations in angular granular quartz during compaction. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 51(4), 1021-1034. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley*, J. Lind, D.C. Pagan, M.C. Akin, E.B. Herbold (2018). In Situ Grain Fracture Mechanics During Uniaxial Compaction of Granular Solids. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 112, 273-290. Link to Paper.
- J.P. Marshall, R.C. Hurley, D. Arthur, I. Vlahinic, C. Senatore, K. Iagnemma, B. Trease, J.E. Andrade (2018). Failures in sand in reduced gravity environments. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 113, 1-12 Link to Paper.
- O. Vorobiev, S. Ezzedine, R.C. Hurley (2018). Near-field non-radial motion generation from underground chemical explosions in jointed granite. Geophysical Journal International. 212, 25-41. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley, S.A. Hall, J. Wright (2017). Multi-scale mechanics of granular solids from grain-resolved x-ray measurements. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473 (2207), 0491. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley, J. Lind, D.C. Pagan, M.A. Homel, M.C. Akin, E.B. Herbold (2017). Linking initial microstructure and local response during quasistatic granular compaction. Physical Review E, 96(1), 012905. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley, O.Y. Vorobiev, S.M. Ezzedine (2017). An algorithm for continuum modeling of rocks with multiple embedded nonlinearly-compliant joints. Computational Mechanics, 1-18. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley, J.E. Andrade (2017). Continuum modeling of rate-dependent granular flows in SPH. Computational Particle Mechanics, 4(1), 119-130. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley, S.A. Hall, J.E. Andrade, J. Wright (2016). Quantifying interparticle forces and heterogeneity in 3D granular materials. Physical Review Letters, 117, 098005. Highlighted in Physics Synopsis and Caltech News. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley, K.W. Lim, G. Ravichandran, J.E. Andrade (2016). Dynamic inter-particle force inference in granular materials: Method and application. Experimental Mechanics, 56(2), 217-229. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley, & J.E. Andrade (2015). Friction in inertial granular flows: Competition between dilation and grain-scale dissipation rates. Granular Matter, 17(3), 287-295. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley, J.E. Andrade (2015). Strength of Granular Materials in Transient and Steady State Rapid Shear. Procedia Engineering, 103, 237-245. Link to Paper.
- R.C. Hurley, E. Marteau, G. Ravichandran, J.E. Andrade (2014). Extracting inter-particle forces in opaque granular materials: beyond photoelasticity. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 63, 154-166. Link to Paper.
- A.M. Booth, R.C. Hurley, M.P. Lamb, J.E. Andrade (2014). Force chains as the link between particle and bulk friction angles in granular material. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(24), 8862-8869. Link to Paper.
- X. Zhao, R. Hurley, M. Sutton, W. Fourney, U. Leiste, X. Deng (2014). Small Scale Models Subjected to Buried Blast Loading Part II: Frame Accelerations with Hulls and Additional Mitigation Methods. Experimental Mechanics, 54(5), 857-869. Link to Paper.
- X. Zhao, G. Shultis, R. Hurley, M. Sutton, W. Fourney, U. Leiste, X. Deng (2014). Small Scale Models Subjected to Buried Blast Loading Part I: Floorboard Accelerations and Related Passenger Injury Metrics with Protective Hulls. Experimental Mechanics, 54(4), 539-555. Link to Paper.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- R.C. Hurley, (2021). Stress and force measurement uncertainties in 3D granular materials. EPJ Web of Conferences for Powders & Grains, 249, 02009.
- B. Kuwik, R.C. Hurley, (2021). Energy dissipation due to breakage during confined compaction of granular materials. EPJ Web of Conferences for Powders & Grains, 249, 07006.
Book Chapters
- R.C. Hurley, B. Marks, E. Ando (2021). In-situ full-field imaging in modern experimental granular mechanics. in Mechanics of Granular Materials, Invited and in preparation.
- Hurley, R.C., Lim, K.W., & Andrade, J.E. (2015). Grain-Scale Measurements During Low Velocity Impact in Granular Media. Rapid Penetration into Granular Media: Visualizing the Fundamental Physics of Rapid Earth Penetration (pp. 291-317.). Link to Book.
- Brodrick, T., Hurley, R.C., Fourney, W.L. (2014). Mitigation of Loading on Personnel in Light-Armored Vehicles Using Small Model Testing. Blast Mitigation (pp. 249-277), Springer, New York. Link to Book.
Other Publications
- Homel, M. A., Herbold, E. B., Lind, J., Pagan, D., Crum, R., Hurley, R., Akin, M. (2018). Simulations and experiments of dynamic granular compaction in non-ideal geometries. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1979(1), 180004.
- Hurley, R.C., Andrade, J.E. (2015). A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method for Coupled Gas-Porous Media Flows. Engineering Mechanics Institute Computational Inelasticity Paper Competition, Stanford, CA.